
  • Gedächtnisprobleme im Alter

    Menschen mit leichten kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen sind oft noch in der Lage, ihre täglichen Aktivitäten weitgehend selbstständig durchzuführen, bemerken jedoch, dass sie mehr Anstrengung oder Unterstützung benötigen als früher. Diese Beeinträchtigungen können ein Vorbote für ernstere kognitive Störungen wie Demenz sein, aber sie führen nicht zwangsläufig dazu.
  • The 'happiness hormone' serotonin

    Serotonin, also known as the 'happiness hormone,' is a biogenic amine that fulfills many important functions in the body. Biogenic amines regulate...
  • Lower the stress level with Greek mountain tea

    Many people are completely unfamiliar with the plant. And it's not surprising, as it is originally native to the Mediterranean region and the Bal...
  • The captured power of the sun: St. John's wort

    The real St. John's wort or hypericum perforatum has been a popular means of combating depression in naturopathy for centuries. In the following ar...
  • More serenity in everyday life

    We all want inner peace and serenity. But how can we reach them? Many people are accompanied by a constant feeling of inner tension and this can be...
  • Insomnia: how important is good sleep?

    Who doesn't wish for it? To sleep deeply and wake up refreshed. Many of us rarely experience this feeling anymore. Stress at work, overwhelming dai...